
Setting up tracking is done in a few steps on the Shopware shop.

Set up account

The first step is, as always, to set up the account. Of course, you can do it manually OR you import a ready-made template with all variables, triggers & tags for Facebook, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Pinterest & Hotjar, which we have prepared especially for you 😃

You can find the template here. If necessary you have to put the content of the page into a separate .json file (e.g. template.json): For Shopware 6.6 and newer:

For Shopware 6.5 and older:

To import the template, you have to go to Admin > Import Container in your Google Tag Manager container (Web) and upload the JSON file.

Make sure you change all the tracking IDs with the value "CHANGE_IT". This includes:

  • Facebook - Pixel ID

  • Google Ads - Conversion ID

  • Google Ads - Conversion - Add to cart - Conversion label

  • Google Ads - Conversion - Purchase - Conversion label

  • Google Ads - Conversion - View item - Conversion label

  • Google Ads - Conversion - View item list - Conversion label

  • Google Ads - Conversion - View search results - Conversion label

  • Google Ads - Dynamic remarketing - Add to cart - Conversion label

  • Google Analytics - Tracking ID

  • Hotjar - Site ID

  • Pinterest - Tag ID

Enable tracking

To activate the Google Tag Manager, you have to go to Extensions > My Extensions > Apps in the admin and then at the app "Google Tag Manager" right click on ... > Configuration on the right.

Now you are in the settings for the app. Next, you need to complete the following two steps: First you have to check the checkbox Enable tracking and then you have to enter the Container ID. If you now click on the Save button, the tracking should be active.


If necessary, it might make sense to explicitly clear the store cache again if no data is transferred at first attempt.

Enable event debugging

To understand exactly which data is sent to Google Tag Manager at which point, there is the possibility to get a detailed view in the Javascript console.

Simply activate the checkbox Enable pixel event debugging in Javascript console and then press the button Save.

Last updated