Google Analytics Tracking

The setup of the tracking works the same way as Google Ads via the Google gtag, which makes it particularly easy to set up.


You can configure the following steps per sales channel & language individually, which ultimately gives you more tracking flexibility.

Activate tracking

To activate the Google gtag you have to go to "Your sales channel" > Pixel Your Shop > Google gtag in the admin and activate the Opt-In switch.

Connect accounts

After activation, you simply need to add your Google Analytics Tracking ID. Note that you can also connect multiple accounts at the same time by simply placing multiple IDs in the same input.

By default, the IP addresses of your visitors are already anonymized. You can change the default behavior by disabling the Make IP anonymous check box.

Enable tracking events

By default, all tracking events are disabled. To activate the individual events you simply have to activate the corresponding switch. If you do not know exactly which events you need, we recommend simply activate all tracking events. Collecting more data can never hurt!

Legacy: Enable Enhanced ECommerce (UA)


If you are using Google Analytics 4 (GA4), then you don't need to follow the steps below. and you are done. You can recognize GA4 by the fact that the bottom steps are no longer in the UI. GA4 changes & simplifies the way e-commerce events are tracked.

To do this, go to ECommerce Settings in your Google Analytics account to activate the advanced e-commerce tracking.

Now activate the two buttons Enable ECommerce & Enable Enhanced ECommerce Reporting. At Checkout-Labeling you can now add the two funnel steps Checkout & Purchase. How you name the two steps exactly is up to you. But there must always be exactly two steps so that the tracking is working perfectly.


Note that you can use the two tracking events Begin checkout & Purchase in the Shopware Admin under Marketing > Pixel Your Shop > Google gtag must be activated for the advanced e-commerce tracking to work.

Last updated